miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016



Marriage to me has always been just the word that means one is making official the willingness to share one's life with another being. 

I have never considered marriage to be difficult, at least on a day-to-day basis. I get that there are tough decisions to make from time to time, but we will cross that bridge when we get there. 
Other than that, marriage should be the most comforting thing in the world. Because I'm not only choosing a partner, I'm choosing a life-long teacher, and student; I'm choosing a roommate, my personal nurse, and my own amateur masseur; I'm choosing a chef, my new favorite news anchor and a speaking diary. I'm choosing an accountant, a 24/7 computer technician, and a shrink. I'm choosing someone with different tastes, hobbys, and opinions to enrich my life. I'm choosing the weirdest movie critic, the biggest Transformers collector, and the happy owner of the biggest collection of nerd parafernalia I've ever known. 
So, coming home everyday to interact with this human being, should be the easiest, most satisfying thing in the world. 'Cause I'm just choosing to marry my best friend who listens to me and makes me feel loved, who shares the same, if not better, view of the world, who encourages me to be the better version of myself and still loves the bad parts. 

The only thing left to say is: Thank you Mom and Dad, for giving me life, and for all the opportunities you struggled to offer me. Thank you Sunny and Paul for raising such generous, polite, gentle and weird individual. I also want to thank all our family and friends, and people who somehow marked us and made us who we are. And finally, thank you Cody. Thank you for all the years shared and the ones yet to come. Thank you for all the unwavering love, and for making this marriage the happiest thing that has happened in my life.
I love you