viernes, 5 de agosto de 2016


It's been over a year since I started this blog. Over a year since I commenced this little secret present. I started not knowing when I was going to let you know, but your 27th birthday makes so much sense.
27 entries for 27 years
It's not only that I love how perfect that sounds, but also because when I asked around for advice as to when to give this link to you, people made a point: Feelings can expire. It sounds rough and unlike us, but they have a point. Maybe in 5 years, the first couple of entries will sound childish, maybe in 3 years my feelings matured and what I wrote to you in here is not longer 100% what I evolved to feel. So, that said, I hereby confirm that to this date, all the entries contained in this blog are true to my feelings, and in a clear state of my mind and in possesion of all my faculties I state that I FUCKING LOVE YOU and nothing makes me happier in this life than being with you.
So, here: *Lifts glass* For another year in my Monkey's life, for 365 days of precious memories and love, and *Lifts glass higher* for the year ahead of us and all the adventures to come. Cheers, God bless my one true love, and...


miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016


It's only natural that I've been thinking so much about us in Germany lately. Now that is practically a reality. I don't get tired of the image of us walking on the wet pavement making fun of how Germans sound, us getting groceries trying to figure out if that can is actually beans or not. Taking pictures at weird advertisements and drinking german beer while we watch a movie in our tiny apartment.

I mostly imagine the tranquil, peaceful live that we would live if we were spoiled little brats that got away with their parent's money hahaha. Reality is such a bitch. Homework and classes will be such a bitch. Wanting to travel, but wanting to rest will be such a bitch. And finding a home will be a very special bitch. I don't want to struggle through all of this with anyone other than you.
I know sometimes I tell you I don't like your answers and how I didn't need to hear something. But you gotta realize that if someone else says anything slightly similar I usually bite their head off. And this is not me trying to sound like I put up with you, but rather how you sole presence calms me.
There is something about you that makes me feel that if I fail, you will be there to help me make a last effort or to do it for me. Is an incredible feeling I've never had. I can count on you, for real. Even if sometimes your optimism makes you slow hahah.

Anyway, one of the main things that excites me about Germany is you. Knowing that I'm gonna be able to sleep with you every single night. I can go out and eat with my husband whenever I feel like to, do posh and mundane stuff with you. Just you. So, thank you for keeping your promise.

 After 20 months, you are still willing to go to a different continent with me and I still can't believe it.
Maybe back then they were easy words, easy promises. Doesn't matter what they WERE, really. We pulled through... so far hahah.

Thank you for supporting my dreams. Thank you for the sacrifice, the compromise, the help and ever lasting love you have given me in this horrible travesy through the Sea of Papers and the Land of Tasks where the horrible Stress Creatures live.

I hope I am to you what you are to me, and that you know I'd follow you anywhere too. Because when of us grow, the other one does too. Individually but also together since the fulfillment and reward are for both... Or something like that said the lady that officiated our wedding. And those words, as generic as they sound, are true. And everything you have implied is too. And everything that is mine, is yours and vice versa. And when we strive and thrive, we thrive for two.

So in this happy note, let us buckle up and tackle down whatever is infront of us in the next two months to come.

For what it was, what it is, and what will be ~
I love you, gorgeous