martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Symbology vs. Symbolism

Let's get Illuminati, yo!!
This is where I explain a little about those "hidden" tiny pink hearts you may notice laying around in the embroidered presents I made, waiting to be asked for. Well... they are everywhere if you haven't noticed by now. Tiny pink hearts in every text entry, tiny pink hearts in every present I decided to give you since I decided to start writing here, tiny pink hearts now and tiny pink hearts forever

You are going to see this blog months after you receive the first clue*, but I want you to realize how big I wanted this to be, this surprise, that is. Want you to see how I'm constantly looking for things I can use as a signature, symbols that will represent me. Symbols of our love too. Like Pulpy, you and me, Squid and Octopus, Monkey and Kitty, Count and Princess, Loaf and Lobe, Cocoon and Sardine. Like the ouroboros you have permanently inked on your body and my bracelet.

If this was a bad book, then my tiny pink hearts would be an "-Ok? -Ok" and I'd be a cancer patient. But I kinda like the simplicity of a tiny pink heart, and the cliche that this is a secret blog. You could say that these are letters I never sent you. Now imagine all those letters signed with a heart, imagine a tiny pink heart tattoed on my side boob... Oh my God, kill-me-now time? Was that too much? I'm melting cliches here. I'm sorry I got carried away...
Anyhow, I wanted everything to be part of this. To be part of what I wanted to tell you. To be part of the archive I'm building for you. Part of what I'm doing to make you feel loved.
So fucking treasure it, Ok? Ok.

*The ♡ in the gift card that came with the Green Power Ranger Tee

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

You found out

Maybe he won't find out what I know:
You were the last good thing about this part of town

I don't remember if I told you how this was one of the songs that Kini and I shared. When I first met him I called him "FOB Guy" 'cause I didn't know anything more than he kinda liked FOB and I loved them back then. So when he started falling for me, "Grand Theft Autumn" became like an anthem to him. 
When we went to the concert and they played this song, he practically clung to me. He was semi hugging me, singing in my ear. I found it so annoying. Couldn't enjoy the song at all. But I did always wander if he did love me more than anyone I knew. What if maybe no one ever feels like I'm the last good thing?.. But then you came along.
I can almost say I can touch your love. It's just so strong and reassuring, it burns me and keeps me warm. I can honestly say, no one has ever -and no one ever will- loved me as deep as you love me. Thank you for noticing me, senpai.
I love you, Monkey face.