There was once a lovely Peanut. She was the fairest Peanut in the Land, and coincidentally, she was the youngest ruling Peanut of her Kingdom. One day, a Monkey strolled into her Palace.
-Oh! Hi, Monkey! Didn't see you there- She greeted the Monkey.
So the Monkey bent his knee and said -AAH OOH OH OH!- because Monkeys cannot speak english. But, the Peanut loved him anyway and they lived happily ever after.
Hahaha Remember this story, my one true Monkey Count? This is the story of how we met... If we consider the Train Yard a Palace and well... yeah. The rest of it is true, so...
I love all your stories and songs -I especially love your songs- they are food for my soul. I like to nurture my soul in case you want to feed from it from my nostrils. But, joking aside: I truly appreciate all the time you spend talking to me the way you do, being so warm and soft around me, so patient. I love your imagination. It's so ridiculous and that's why we do the matchy-match. I love your voice when it does the talking and singing tahms. Aww de tahm.
Before you I could only imagine how fulfillment would feel. Before you there was only expectations and empty plans. I never thought I could find someone who was that perfect amalgam my brain imagined, but life has mysterious ways, my Monkey. And the ways that life has to tell me I hit the jackpot is when a handsome man translates "AAH OOH OH!" into "I want bananas and if you don't give them to me now, I will throw poop at you". That was the sign I was waiting all along, I just didn't know until that moment.
Keep being the magic man you are, Cody. Keep being a poop-throwing Monkey. Stay by my side and NEVER stop singing, my love. For my days are forever brighter when your delightful voice is in them.
I love you, my one and only Monkey Count.
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