lunes, 24 de agosto de 2015

Dreamland 1

I had a dream about you. It was a weird one. I honestly don't remember it very well, but I'll do my best to tell you what I think it was about.

The first collection of memories I have is being in a hotel room, It was all wooden and the beds were tiny, There were two beds in the room, and you and I were occupying one; the other one had been taken by some Drag Queens out of drag, this -of course- triggered by my RuPaul's binge watching yesterday. Anyhow...I remember I was leaning on the headboard and there was a gap between the mattress and the wall and the things on my pocket were slipping and falling right in that gap, and as I was trying to get them back I was falling in too. When I was halfway through the fall I realized this room had been built over an old bowling alley, and that I was falling where the pins fall. I didn't want to be hit by the machine that arrange them so I was screaming for help so Neil Patrick Harris could hear me. He gave me this awful look and was very reluctant to help me, but he finally pull me and I was so pissed that the bed was so dangerous. The other drag man was going on how we should sue them and how this wasn't right.
After that happened, I noticed you. You were wearing a choker, like a BDSM guy who's into being treated like a dog. Apparently I was wearing a leather chest harness over my clothes. This is where the judging began. I inferred from all the yelling on my face a few moments later, that on that hotel we were staying when you ordered pillows it was only because you were planning on performing very kinky sexual acts and this other couple (Neil Patrick Harris and a loud blonde drag) were judging on how we were not a real BDSM couple. They claimed that not just because we wore a choker and a harness we had the privilege to call ourselves Dom and Sub. They said we did nothing really kinky, that spanking didn't count. We were some cheap posers and didn't deserve to have a pillow. So I was getting real insecure and angry and we went outside.
The first thing there was outside of hotel room was some steep stairs on the left side of the corridor. Up there was the registration office and the front desk. There was also a tiny terrace where you could see the "Resort" and the city. I was standing there really upset and I bumped into Clay and he starts yelling at me too. Something about having to be more dominant and some other crap that I felt was attacking. You were on the first floor and heard all. I was defending myself, mainly screaming "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID" and "I NEVER MADE THAT CLAIM" and you were furious. Oh baby, you were. You dropped your submissive role and started defending me telling Clay to shut the fuck up and stop bothering me with his stupid words he knew nothing about.

I don't know why the fuck I dreamt that, but I'm glad you were there to protect me.
I love dreaming about you. I love day dreaming about you too. Fantasize about our future. Makes me feel safe and happy. I can't wait for this next 11 days to pass super fast so I can see you on my birthday! Muamuamuamua!
I love you Submissive Monkey Count. You'll be my kinky partner for the rest of my sexual active life hahaha I wish for nothing more

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015

Golden Nights

A: Oh, the other day I was talking to a weird guy, very smart, but very weird minded. He said something about how he cannot read series because it bores him. And he mentioned something related to the three Transformers movies and how you can watch them separately and they still make sense. The same happens with Harry Potter, according to him. I never thought of that
C: That's an interesting point of view, but yeah, you're right. They are definitely a story and a series but you can totally watch them without having to follow the story behind it. 
A: I honestly like to follow the story. I really like series because of it. Even book series.
C: Oh, me too! I've read the Dark Tower series and it's like over 10 books this huge. Have you read them? By Stephen King...
A: No, never. I don't like terror and he is a terror author, no?
C: Yeah... kinda, but it's not really that scary. You should give it a try
A: Maybe. The only horror thing I've kinda read is...
I've been thinking a lot about the first night. The night we met and we talked for hours. I was tipsy so I don't quite remember everything that happened. What I just wrote it's what I imagine happened. I imagine that conversation going on and on and on forever. Just us adding more and more details and new information to whatever we were saying. We still do it, but that first two nights -Oh, my God- we went at it as if we never spoke to anyone. Which honestly is kind of true. I don't believe we discuss all these topics with our friends or co-workers. At least not in an opinionated, two-way, not-necessarily-agreeing-to-everything-the-other-one-says type of conversation. Maybe David is your exception, but how often you get to connect with a person to that level on the first 10 hours, specially a person of the opposite sex you find attractive, huh?
I remember being nervous about the kiss that we needed to have that night. I knew it was going to happen, but how, when? You made no moves when we hit a silence. I was thinking that maybe you weren't sure you wanted me. But in the back of my mind I knew you wanted me too. So it was very conflicting. Eventually I think I was the one to lean a bit closer and that triggered it. I'm so glad you are the way you are and I love how you didn't assume sex was set in stone. I love how respectful you are, and those second guessing you sometimes have, for me they just mean you are thinking extra time and extra hard on us. 
I love our first night, our second night and all the nights we have had. All of them. I love our 8 months together and how we never stop loving each other, never stop giving each other gifts because we never stop caring and never stop wanting to make the other one happy. I'm so incredibly glad I can make you happy just with my presence and my face. I'll always be there. I'm also extra grateful I'm with someone so fucking handsome. Can't believe it sometimes. I see you and you have the most perfect face in the whole world. Those eyes, fuck, those eyes. They pierce me, they undress me, they make me sway a little. They are so intense, so gorgeous. That smile, tho. Your smile is melting the poles, baby. You can get me to do anything you want just by smiling. Can't believe it. Such a handsome monkey in my kingdom.
I love you, Count. I love us.
We're golden, babe. Oh yes we are.

miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015


I'm visiting you tomorrow. I already have my backpack ready... it's the same from last weekend... when I sadly couldn't make it because of my sick tummy. But I remember making it. I always pick the cutest things I can. I like to dress cute and sexy for you, only because you appreciate it. That's rare, even if you don't think so. It makes me get excited about getting dressed. What is going to be his comment about this? I think in my head. Is he going to mention my make-up and how he likes the wing? Is he using 'cute' or will he use 'gorgeous'? This is the kind of thing that goes through my mind when I'm getting ready. Maybe it's weird, like I'm doing it to catch your attention, but I don't seek validation. I know I'm cute, I just like to hear you saying it out loud :D

We will be laying our sight upon each other in around 28 hrs. I really like how you enjoy my counting. Hopefully you won't ever get tired of it, because even tho I can suppress the need of letting people know all my calculations, I really like to share it. It's something very well attached to the person I am.

...On another note: I can't wait to see you. To feel how warm you are when we are laying on bed. To touch you without thinking, to see that FUCKING GORGEOUS sleepy face. That face makes me tremble, it's like I want to grab it and shake it. It's just so kyuut.
I don't like you spending money on me... that includes taking me out to dinner. But I do enjoy the reaction we get out of people, I know they are thinking something about us. Fuck yeah, they got an impression. Look at those weirdos. I bet the enjoy doing weird shit in bed. they think they are oh so cool because they match, ha! hahaha But you're thinking about us, bitch!

Anyhow... I'm writing this at work. I finished early but I didn't want to leave early.
I like that I can do this, give you part of my time even when I'm supposed to be "busy"
I love you, Monkey.

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015


Yesterday was your 26th birthday and I was so sick.
I'm so sorry I missed it. I really wanted to be there, Having dinner with your family and hugging you.
I won't even mention birthday sex...  But yeah... Birthday sex too.
I'm also sorry because you never got the stupid present I got you.
But, I'm not so worried, I'm going to make it all up next weekend, You'll see.


martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

A Thankful Peanut

Remember that one time I read to you a Thank You note I wrote for you? I wrote before I left, back in December 2014, probably just right when we started dating, a month after meeting you. Crazy, huh?
«Thank you
Thank you, Cody.
Thank you for talking to me at the train yard, for being interesting and buying me chocolate pancakes at IHOP. Thank you for listening to all the shit I said, for laughing with me and sharing your life. Thank you for being so good with your fingers, and telling me all those pretty things about my body.Thank you for the amazing fucks and for walking me home every morning. Thank you for missing me and for letting me sleep with you and for the 6+ hours of cuddling.  Thank you for all the hours spent talking, for the minutes that passed while we looked into each other’s eyes. Thank you for watching Bruce Willis movies with me, and for not being weird about my gas situation hahah. Thank you for the necklace and for your patience, for hugging me and for smiling at me like I was everything to you. Thank you for letting me in, for saying that I’m a little cat and for making weird noises with me. Thank you for being so awesome, incredibly interesting, and intelligent. Thank you for saying “I love you” and for believing me when I said it back. I do love you. Thank you for your shirt, for the beers and the pizza. Thank you for telling your mom about me, for introducing me to your friends. Thank you for everything. I can’t thank you enough for just being you and exist. I’ve never loved someone so easily as you. I will never, ever, in my whole damn life forget you. Is impossible for me to forget all these strong emotions you made me feel. I felt so safe, I felt so beautiful and at peace when I was with you. I still do when we talk. I only wish someday I’d be able to get over you. I’m sure that for the next few months I’m gonna be a mess, and I’m sure I’ll be hurting so bad. My heart’s already broken, it broke the day I fell in love with you. It broke ‘cause it knew that we wouldn’t be together as we should. It was broken, but still every time I saw you I felt it swell.»
That's what it said says. I still have it on my notes. That was the first thing I ever wrote for you. I still mean everything, but I'm not longer wishing to get over you. We made it, babe! 8 months into this long distance adventure and we are fucking strong.

Now it's two quarters after 9. I'm watching you sleep.
You went to the doctor today, you were told you shouldn't work the rest of the week.
I just finished The Death of Jack Hamilton and I want to thank you again. I never thought I'd read Stephen King and I plain love it. I have to thank you for much more than just introducing me to him, but how about we leave that for some other entry?
I love you