lunes, 24 de agosto de 2015

Dreamland 1

I had a dream about you. It was a weird one. I honestly don't remember it very well, but I'll do my best to tell you what I think it was about.

The first collection of memories I have is being in a hotel room, It was all wooden and the beds were tiny, There were two beds in the room, and you and I were occupying one; the other one had been taken by some Drag Queens out of drag, this -of course- triggered by my RuPaul's binge watching yesterday. Anyhow...I remember I was leaning on the headboard and there was a gap between the mattress and the wall and the things on my pocket were slipping and falling right in that gap, and as I was trying to get them back I was falling in too. When I was halfway through the fall I realized this room had been built over an old bowling alley, and that I was falling where the pins fall. I didn't want to be hit by the machine that arrange them so I was screaming for help so Neil Patrick Harris could hear me. He gave me this awful look and was very reluctant to help me, but he finally pull me and I was so pissed that the bed was so dangerous. The other drag man was going on how we should sue them and how this wasn't right.
After that happened, I noticed you. You were wearing a choker, like a BDSM guy who's into being treated like a dog. Apparently I was wearing a leather chest harness over my clothes. This is where the judging began. I inferred from all the yelling on my face a few moments later, that on that hotel we were staying when you ordered pillows it was only because you were planning on performing very kinky sexual acts and this other couple (Neil Patrick Harris and a loud blonde drag) were judging on how we were not a real BDSM couple. They claimed that not just because we wore a choker and a harness we had the privilege to call ourselves Dom and Sub. They said we did nothing really kinky, that spanking didn't count. We were some cheap posers and didn't deserve to have a pillow. So I was getting real insecure and angry and we went outside.
The first thing there was outside of hotel room was some steep stairs on the left side of the corridor. Up there was the registration office and the front desk. There was also a tiny terrace where you could see the "Resort" and the city. I was standing there really upset and I bumped into Clay and he starts yelling at me too. Something about having to be more dominant and some other crap that I felt was attacking. You were on the first floor and heard all. I was defending myself, mainly screaming "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID" and "I NEVER MADE THAT CLAIM" and you were furious. Oh baby, you were. You dropped your submissive role and started defending me telling Clay to shut the fuck up and stop bothering me with his stupid words he knew nothing about.

I don't know why the fuck I dreamt that, but I'm glad you were there to protect me.
I love dreaming about you. I love day dreaming about you too. Fantasize about our future. Makes me feel safe and happy. I can't wait for this next 11 days to pass super fast so I can see you on my birthday! Muamuamuamua!
I love you Submissive Monkey Count. You'll be my kinky partner for the rest of my sexual active life hahaha I wish for nothing more

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