martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

A Thankful Peanut

Remember that one time I read to you a Thank You note I wrote for you? I wrote before I left, back in December 2014, probably just right when we started dating, a month after meeting you. Crazy, huh?
«Thank you
Thank you, Cody.
Thank you for talking to me at the train yard, for being interesting and buying me chocolate pancakes at IHOP. Thank you for listening to all the shit I said, for laughing with me and sharing your life. Thank you for being so good with your fingers, and telling me all those pretty things about my body.Thank you for the amazing fucks and for walking me home every morning. Thank you for missing me and for letting me sleep with you and for the 6+ hours of cuddling.  Thank you for all the hours spent talking, for the minutes that passed while we looked into each other’s eyes. Thank you for watching Bruce Willis movies with me, and for not being weird about my gas situation hahah. Thank you for the necklace and for your patience, for hugging me and for smiling at me like I was everything to you. Thank you for letting me in, for saying that I’m a little cat and for making weird noises with me. Thank you for being so awesome, incredibly interesting, and intelligent. Thank you for saying “I love you” and for believing me when I said it back. I do love you. Thank you for your shirt, for the beers and the pizza. Thank you for telling your mom about me, for introducing me to your friends. Thank you for everything. I can’t thank you enough for just being you and exist. I’ve never loved someone so easily as you. I will never, ever, in my whole damn life forget you. Is impossible for me to forget all these strong emotions you made me feel. I felt so safe, I felt so beautiful and at peace when I was with you. I still do when we talk. I only wish someday I’d be able to get over you. I’m sure that for the next few months I’m gonna be a mess, and I’m sure I’ll be hurting so bad. My heart’s already broken, it broke the day I fell in love with you. It broke ‘cause it knew that we wouldn’t be together as we should. It was broken, but still every time I saw you I felt it swell.»
That's what it said says. I still have it on my notes. That was the first thing I ever wrote for you. I still mean everything, but I'm not longer wishing to get over you. We made it, babe! 8 months into this long distance adventure and we are fucking strong.

Now it's two quarters after 9. I'm watching you sleep.
You went to the doctor today, you were told you shouldn't work the rest of the week.
I just finished The Death of Jack Hamilton and I want to thank you again. I never thought I'd read Stephen King and I plain love it. I have to thank you for much more than just introducing me to him, but how about we leave that for some other entry?
I love you

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