martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015

Dreamland 2

You were in my dreams once more.
Actually, I'm pretty sure this should be Dreamland 3, but the first dream is written in another diary, maybe later I'll get to writing it here.

There's no need to say it was a weird dream and I don't remember most of it, but the part with you is almost crystal clear.
We were playing Castle in a bigger more medieval towers than the ones you used to play back in the day. There more kids around us, probably your friends. I clearly remember being in opposite teams and hiding in a tower. Something happened then, something real. Something was placing us in real danger in those towers, it stopped being a game, it became a survival excercise. I don't know what this evil was, what shape it took, anything, 
You grabbed a rope from the position you where in and swung your way to my tower. Ypu made sure I was ok, you calmed me down and proposed a plan: You were going to swing your way to the ground as call your parents. I agreed, until seconds before you jump from the heights. It was like being in a Final Destination movie. I saw you soaring the air with the green hills under you and I looked inside your head, and felt a slight suicidal thought. What would happen if I stop holding onto this rope? In my head I knew that our movie will end sadly, 'cause I'm like that, I'm such a pessimist and I keep feeling life hates me, so somehow I knew that by one reason or another you were going to lose your life trying to save us. Tragic ending for a great love. Those are the movies that win the Oscar. I imagined your death but I woke up before it actualyl happened.
It it always disturbing to think about and almost traumatizingly sad.

Weird dream, I know.
Thank you for trying to save me, tho.
I miss you
I love you.

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