viernes, 5 de agosto de 2016


It's been over a year since I started this blog. Over a year since I commenced this little secret present. I started not knowing when I was going to let you know, but your 27th birthday makes so much sense.
27 entries for 27 years
It's not only that I love how perfect that sounds, but also because when I asked around for advice as to when to give this link to you, people made a point: Feelings can expire. It sounds rough and unlike us, but they have a point. Maybe in 5 years, the first couple of entries will sound childish, maybe in 3 years my feelings matured and what I wrote to you in here is not longer 100% what I evolved to feel. So, that said, I hereby confirm that to this date, all the entries contained in this blog are true to my feelings, and in a clear state of my mind and in possesion of all my faculties I state that I FUCKING LOVE YOU and nothing makes me happier in this life than being with you.
So, here: *Lifts glass* For another year in my Monkey's life, for 365 days of precious memories and love, and *Lifts glass higher* for the year ahead of us and all the adventures to come. Cheers, God bless my one true love, and...


miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016


It's only natural that I've been thinking so much about us in Germany lately. Now that is practically a reality. I don't get tired of the image of us walking on the wet pavement making fun of how Germans sound, us getting groceries trying to figure out if that can is actually beans or not. Taking pictures at weird advertisements and drinking german beer while we watch a movie in our tiny apartment.

I mostly imagine the tranquil, peaceful live that we would live if we were spoiled little brats that got away with their parent's money hahaha. Reality is such a bitch. Homework and classes will be such a bitch. Wanting to travel, but wanting to rest will be such a bitch. And finding a home will be a very special bitch. I don't want to struggle through all of this with anyone other than you.
I know sometimes I tell you I don't like your answers and how I didn't need to hear something. But you gotta realize that if someone else says anything slightly similar I usually bite their head off. And this is not me trying to sound like I put up with you, but rather how you sole presence calms me.
There is something about you that makes me feel that if I fail, you will be there to help me make a last effort or to do it for me. Is an incredible feeling I've never had. I can count on you, for real. Even if sometimes your optimism makes you slow hahah.

Anyway, one of the main things that excites me about Germany is you. Knowing that I'm gonna be able to sleep with you every single night. I can go out and eat with my husband whenever I feel like to, do posh and mundane stuff with you. Just you. So, thank you for keeping your promise.

 After 20 months, you are still willing to go to a different continent with me and I still can't believe it.
Maybe back then they were easy words, easy promises. Doesn't matter what they WERE, really. We pulled through... so far hahah.

Thank you for supporting my dreams. Thank you for the sacrifice, the compromise, the help and ever lasting love you have given me in this horrible travesy through the Sea of Papers and the Land of Tasks where the horrible Stress Creatures live.

I hope I am to you what you are to me, and that you know I'd follow you anywhere too. Because when of us grow, the other one does too. Individually but also together since the fulfillment and reward are for both... Or something like that said the lady that officiated our wedding. And those words, as generic as they sound, are true. And everything you have implied is too. And everything that is mine, is yours and vice versa. And when we strive and thrive, we thrive for two.

So in this happy note, let us buckle up and tackle down whatever is infront of us in the next two months to come.

For what it was, what it is, and what will be ~
I love you, gorgeous

jueves, 28 de julio de 2016

Weird Little Love Story

There was once a lovely Peanut. She was the fairest Peanut in the Land, and coincidentally, she was the youngest ruling Peanut of her Kingdom. One day, a Monkey strolled into her Palace. 
-Oh! Hi, Monkey! Didn't see you there- She greeted the Monkey.
So the Monkey bent his knee and said -AAH OOH OH OH!- because Monkeys cannot speak english. But, the Peanut loved him anyway and they lived happily ever after.

Hahaha Remember this story, my one true Monkey Count? This is the story of how we met... If we consider the Train Yard a Palace and well... yeah. The rest of it is true, so...

I love all your stories and songs -I especially love your songs- they are food for my soul. I like to nurture my soul in case you want to feed from it from my nostrils. But, joking aside: I truly appreciate all the time you spend talking to me the way you do, being so warm and soft around me, so patient. I love your imagination. It's so ridiculous and that's why we do the matchy-match. I love your voice when it does the talking and singing tahms. Aww de tahm.

Before you I could only imagine how fulfillment would feel. Before you there was only expectations and empty plans. I never thought I could find someone who was that perfect amalgam my brain imagined, but life has mysterious ways, my Monkey. And the ways that life has to tell me I hit the jackpot is when a handsome man translates "AAH OOH OH!" into "I want bananas and if you don't give them to me now, I will throw poop at you". That was the sign I was waiting all along, I just didn't know until that moment.

Keep being the magic man you are, Cody. Keep being a poop-throwing Monkey. Stay by my side and NEVER stop singing, my love. For my days are forever brighter when your delightful voice is in them.
I love you, my one and only Monkey Count.

Rough week

Monday 11th:
...Did that work? Did my Monkey magically teleport? No? This is gonna be a very rough week

Tuesday 12th:
I always tell you how sleepy you sound when I call you in the mornings.
I love hearing from you very early in my day. Specially if you sound sleepy, although I hate waking you up, oh the conundrum 
I know I already told you all of this, but lately I've been needing that voice way more. I need it to start my day. I feel so empty, not ready and shaky without my Monkey sounds

Wednesday 13th:
Today was one of those weird days when the alarm actually woke me up. Do you know that feeling of not being up to the task of being a human? Want to do nothing forever? And then think is only Wednesday and hate your life? And feel lonely cause you woke up alone? No Monkey beside you to complain to and kiss? I feel like that. Like I'm just fooling myself and I should be with you and not here. I love you, I adore you and I will call you in just a few cause I fucking need you.

Thursday 14th:
Didn't rest at all and we were disconnected. I hate coming come late and not being able to hang out with you. We rarely do that anymore. We have terrible schedules. I'm not worried tho, cause when I visit we have a great tahm.
I don't want to wake you up calling you on Hangouts, leave you on for 20 min and then call you again on Whatsapp, so I'll call you when I'm ready. In the meantime I can only imagine you and your sleepy poses and sounds that I lobe.

Mm... I fucking hate hanging up. Is never enough. It's not fair waking you up, to start with. Even less, keep you awake for more than you already do, and yet I still want more Monkey every morning :(

Friday 15th:
I'm sorry I haven't been around during the afternoon. It feels weird, you know? Not having enough Monkey, that is. I don't like the feeling, it drags me away from you. BUT OI! Hearing your sleepy face takes me to incredible, sweet places. It's just so cute!

Every week is a rough week when I don't have my monkey next to me
I love you

sábado, 25 de junio de 2016

Will death do us part?

I just finished Demolition, the movie with Jake Gyllenhaal. Got me thinking about you dying.. again.
Is weird how much I think about your death. I think I had already told you. But, anyway. It got me thinking about how painful the death of a loved one is. I haven't felt it, I can only imagine. 
I often imagine you're gone and I can't breathe. I picture how life would be without you. I had imagined your death at, both, a young and an old age. If you die young, it gives me all the excuses I need to become batshit crazy and be a hot widow at the same time. If you die old, I just become a poor old lady, although I would have all the excuses to die of sadness. But either way, I'd cry you the same ocean. I'd cry over the pages of the Silmarillion and I'd have that book burnt with me. I'd cry over your shirts and over your deodorant. My world would stop rotating, because you are my Sun.
Odd enough, I like thinking about that incredible pain. It reassures me just HOW MUCH I love you, how much I need you and how linked my life is with yours.
I promise I'd be the kind of widow that keeps all of your clothes hung, and your books in the same place where you left them. I'd probably wear your clothes, tho. I'm sorry but imma miss you, motherfucker!
You claim you are healthier than me, and I hope you are right. I hope you don't ever get sick and die of it. Is better to have a quick death.... wait... just don't die. 

Anywho, I was thinking if is harder to let go of people you chose to love, or people you inherently love like parents or kids. But then I realize I can't answer that question. At first I didn't choose to feel this way for you, it just happened. I just loved you one day. And I still do, but now is a combination of choosing you and just doing it. Is weird to explain and I suck at it. But what I want to say is that you will create, by far, the worst void in my life if you ever die before me. So just don't. I couldn't bear life without you here.  You have given me so much already, but I stop and think about how you'd keep on giving me strength, warmth and love for so many years that is almost inconceivable to picture that great loss. You'd always be in my mind. I don't think death can do us part. Either it takes me too, or I suffer for ages until is time. But you will never leave my mind, my heart or my spirit.

I love you

jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

I Ramen You

I just got you the tiniest, cutest Ramen earrings <3 

This past weekend with you was in-fucking-credible, bebeh. I really had an amazing time, delicious nomis, and all the sunglasses and pluggis in the world! It sorta made me realize... made me want to have money to splurge on you. To buy you tiny things, and spontaneous presents, and make my Monkey smile. 

I will someday, you know? Is on my list of things to do, along with planning how the fuck I'm going to retire... but that is another story, mah friend.
Anywho, I can only try my best right now and get you tiny Ramen earrings. And even if you argue and claim you don't need shit from me, well I'm writing this to let you know I don´t give a single sad rat's ass fuck. Imm spoil the life outta you, gorgeous face.
I know I don't need to spend anything to make you smile, buh I wanna! And secretly I know you wanna too! Mehbehs :*

And talking about money, I love how you say that now that we are married what's yours is mine and viceversa, even if it's a joke. Even if I don't want that, I like when you say it. I don't know. I guess it reminds me you are aware that you're stuck with me for pretty much all your fucking life 

I love you!
Thank you for that amazing weekend, and all the other ones you had given me. For the time, attention and effort you put into every minute we are together
I can't wait to see you again, I miss you so!

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016



Marriage to me has always been just the word that means one is making official the willingness to share one's life with another being. 

I have never considered marriage to be difficult, at least on a day-to-day basis. I get that there are tough decisions to make from time to time, but we will cross that bridge when we get there. 
Other than that, marriage should be the most comforting thing in the world. Because I'm not only choosing a partner, I'm choosing a life-long teacher, and student; I'm choosing a roommate, my personal nurse, and my own amateur masseur; I'm choosing a chef, my new favorite news anchor and a speaking diary. I'm choosing an accountant, a 24/7 computer technician, and a shrink. I'm choosing someone with different tastes, hobbys, and opinions to enrich my life. I'm choosing the weirdest movie critic, the biggest Transformers collector, and the happy owner of the biggest collection of nerd parafernalia I've ever known. 
So, coming home everyday to interact with this human being, should be the easiest, most satisfying thing in the world. 'Cause I'm just choosing to marry my best friend who listens to me and makes me feel loved, who shares the same, if not better, view of the world, who encourages me to be the better version of myself and still loves the bad parts. 

The only thing left to say is: Thank you Mom and Dad, for giving me life, and for all the opportunities you struggled to offer me. Thank you Sunny and Paul for raising such generous, polite, gentle and weird individual. I also want to thank all our family and friends, and people who somehow marked us and made us who we are. And finally, thank you Cody. Thank you for all the years shared and the ones yet to come. Thank you for all the unwavering love, and for making this marriage the happiest thing that has happened in my life.
I love you

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

I'm not longer alone

In my life there's been no one like him. Anywhere, anywhere where he is. If he asked, I'd be his...In my life, there is some who touches my life. Waiting near, waiting here...

I remember those first days together, when you claimed you were sure you loved me more than I loved you. I will admit that at some point I believed you, and grew scared. I didn't want you to love me more, I wanted to love you just as much, but what if I wasn't capable of such love? 
What a naive little peanut I was.

In my life there has been so many tough decisions. Tough for me because I tend to over analyze and predict the worst possible outcome. And because, just like everyone else, I get lost in life sometimes. Being like this has filled me up with doubts. Every decision is a struggle. You saw it when I tried to make any decision regarding my future Master. I'm aware this makes me somewhat indecisive. And because of that I have chosen things I thought I wanted, and I had so many other precious things go because I thought I didn't need them. But time passed by and allowed me to realize how wrong I had been. 

But I have learned. And if being with Ferdinand taught me something, was to understand how I never want to feel ever again. I understood how being in love might blind you, and how only time can really help you understand a person.

Today at work I said I was sure I was gonna end up marrying you and they got startled at my certainty. And it's almost ironic how the single most important decision I had made yet: the one involving the one person I'm gonna share the rest of my years with, is the easiest one.
We were thinking about marriage just weeks after we started dating. And even back then I said yes, I just knew how the love of my live was right there waiting for me, bursting like the music of angels, the light of the sun. And I felt how my life seemed to stop as if something was over and something was scarcely beginning, and how I soared through a world that was new that was free. 

This much happiness, this much certainty is so new to me. and I find myself with the biggest smile stretched all over my face when I think about being with you forever. Fuck the courthouse, and fuck the church. I don't need them to know that our love is real and everlasting.
I'm so happy to share all the years ahead of us with you, my one true Monkey.
I love you more than I ever loved before. More than I thought I could.

sábado, 2 de abril de 2016


We have our nose piercings on different sides
You have curly hair, mine is straight
You are a puppy, I'm a kitten
You like terror, I'm a scaredy cat
You like working out at home or outside and by yourself, I wish someone went to the gym with me
You wanted kids, I didn't
You drink tee, I like coffee
You are always warm, I'm always cold
You prefer hard liquor, I rather drink beer
You like Elementary, I'm a Sherlock fan
You are the biggest geek, I'm a different breed of nerd.
You usually sleep less than 8 hours, I can only sleep more than 9
You have ADD, I love organization
You love to eat spicy food, I'm the worst Mexican
You have always been comfortable with commitment, I had an anxiety attack
You always wash your hands, I'm lucky if peer pressure makes me do it
You have the cutest legs, I have the cutest shoulders
But, I drool and you don't... as often
We are from different countries
Our mother tongue is not the same
You are from the 80's, I was born in the 90's
Your family is weird and "alternative, my family is as plain as it can be
You buy me things, I make you things
You love to sing,  I love to dance
You tend to like, my nature is to hate
...You love ME, and I love YOU

There are a lot of things that make us opposite, but all of our differences are so easily dismissed when we compare them to the things we share. I didn't need more than a couple days with you to tell that we shared what was actually important. Sharing the same points of view on difficult subjects, feeling the same way about humanity and life and having so much respect and love for each other make every single difference or problem completely tiny. There is no obstacle we can't tackle, and while doing so the thought of breaking up doesn't even crosses our minds. We are in this together -Like High School Musical said.

We are halves of an orange. And we fit, even if we have our seeds in different places.
I couldn't be happier with someone else. You share my opinions and yet you make me grow by being unique and liking different things.
I love you, Count

martes, 2 de febrero de 2016

*Puppy sounds*

I love taking you with me when I drive. I mean, I take you everywhere, but it's when I'm driving when I allow myself to talk to you. I often catch myself answering your hypothetical questions out loud, making tiny sounds or just letting you know where we are going. Just like today, I told you how it was gonna be a big pain in the ass to find where to park and I wasn't sure where we had to go but we would figure it out.
I always do things with you by my side. I go shopping, walk the sidewalks, wonder what you could possibly want from the Oxxo.
I do it invariably. It's the consequence of loving you and missing you so goddamn much. I'm pretty sure you do the same thing. We are the same thing. The same soul. And now we finally put a face to the voice in our minds that always cares, always asks. I got a gorgeous Monkey on the back of my mind to keep me safe and aware, feeling loved and warm, and smiling at all tahms.

I love the tiny Monkey bebeh face, so gorgeous yih. *Puppy sounds*
Ah mua!

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016


I should be writing an essay right now, but is far easier to write to you.
It has only been a week since the last time I left Las Cruces, but it surely doesn't feel like it.
It has been one of the longest weeks I've ever had. I feel I miss you constantly, I feel I need you all the time. I want to be laying next to you in your bed all day. I want to be smothered my your aroma and warm in your company.
I know you're trying to visit soon, and it just not soon enough. I don't even have money to take you out, or money to go visit you more than once, but I don't care. I'd beg for money if that's what it takes to be beside you.

I have a headache. I couldn't sleep properly today and I'm paying for it. My favorite way to cope with it is imagining being in your room. So warm, so cozy, so comfy. Feeling loved and loving you back.
That's is usually the thought that gets me through the days.
I know you have images like that to get you through your own nightmares. I also know you're not having a good day and I hope it gets better.

I love you so much. Beyond belief.
I miss you to the point where I feel I'll suffocate in this air that can't touch you.
I adore you. Forever.