jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

We spin around the same Sun, honey.


As soon as you got home, around midnight when the 9th was still young, you said happy anniversary. I know you have been thinking about it as often as I have and that's why I love you!
We shaved together and then you gave me a leggy massage, we sleepis cuddling and I woke you up like a kitty. You told me your weird dream where my favorite restaurant was a generic Chinese restaurant and also a moffler shop. We went to your parent's house and I met your grandma and the kitties. We played Plague Inc on brutal and won 4 tahms. We did laundry and had boneless wings and beer for dinner. It was a non-traditional anniversary but I really enjoyed it... a lot. 

Being here for those 2 weeks made me so happy. I got to be where my bebeh sleeps, where my bebeh looks at me when he calls me. I got to be here for him when he comes back from work. 
I only have 3 days left here and I know I'm going to miss you so fucking much, specially if I don't get to see you again on early January. Starting the year alone is never fun. And I know we are both very happy for making it through this past year, but we are not very enthusiastic about doing it again for 10 more months... that's is everything goes as expected. I know it has been, and will be hard... but oh well, I'm not gonna just stop loving you, am I?

This first year with you was definitely, without a doubt, the fastest year I had ever lived. You make time slips by, 'cause I enjoy myself so much when I get to be around you.
I can wait to accumulate so many years together and be forever by your side. 
I love you, Monkey Pipi. I love your looks, your voice, your cute sounds, your humor, your body, your mind. I love you so so so much. Thank you for being so brave and for never minding the distance. I know it hurts and it's not ideal, but it will be over soon enough.

Love you with all I am, ahmua!

sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2015

1804 Wyoming Av. Apt. 34

I've been waiting for the past couple of days for Facebook to "remind" me about our 1-year anniversary and instead I got this:

In case you don't understand, it's been exactly 1 year since we became friends on Facebook. ONE YEAR! Last year's November 21st was Friday. The Friday prior to leaving LC for the Thanksgiving break. The Friday I went to Japanese class, grabbed some cookies for you and sneaked into your apartment. 
I have very fond memories of that place. It smelled different, you know? I loved the smell. I can still sense it from time to time. 
I cuddled with you for a while and managed to fall asleep again, and then I had to excuse myself 'cause allegedly we were leaving around 1. We ended up leaving at 3 or so, I remember just thinking that I could be hanging out with you
We were already so in love.

I miss that place. Maybe it wasn't a bed were only you and me had laid, but I love the atmosphere, the perfect amount o light for the space. I miss the times I straddled you and felt like a teenager -Those times aren't over, but hey! that was the first place that saw me do it- The way my stuff was just thrown on the floor, the mirror, the first time we attempted to use a butt plug, the first time you saw me cry and the first time we told each other I love you

Lately I've been watching you sleep. You're so incredibly handsome and cute. I don't care if life takes a minute from my life every time I say I love you. I could live to be only 40, and I'd be happy to have those 18 years with you. I want nothing more. 

I know I didn't write an entry for our 1-year meeting anniversary. Doesn't mean I didn't think about it!
And honestly all I can think about right now is going to visit you and stay for two glorious weeks. We are almost past the 100-hours mark. SO GODDAMN CLOSE!

I love you, gorgeous Monkey.
I loved you a year ago and I love you now.

viernes, 6 de noviembre de 2015

Lupe 2.0

Remember what I told you a few months ago while we were parking in front of the house on Payne? What I told you about how I think Lupe influenced my taste in men? The more I think about it, the more I believe is completely true.
I never met Lupe, not that I remember. But apparently that didn't stop my very young self from being amazed and enamored with the idea of a man who could be manly and yet so soft. Just hearing my dad describing how that man treated my aunt, how he spent all the nights necessary at the hospital next to her...
Ever since, I've always wanted a strong man. Strong enough to carry disgraces, to stand when death comes, strong enough to cry and strong enough to stand next to me; a handsome man with a smile that melts the poles, with a sense of style that makes him unique and a way to carry himself that makes me shake every time I lay my eyes upon him; I've always wanted a soft man. I like to describe it as a man with an artist soul but minus the drama and inconsistency, a man whose touch is soft and comforting, a soft man that understand and appreciates the details in life, who likes to read in silence and cuddle, who likes to cook and laugh, someone who can see beyond his point of view and be empathic, who can understand and respect what I feel.
I thought this was all I wanted, until I met you. You showed me I wanted all of the above AND MORE. I wanted a man who would let me be myself and love me for it, fall in love with that.  I realized a wanted a man who could be his own self: smart, original, with style and yet enjoy what I am. A man I trusted so much I would let him influence what I can become, I would let him help me grow. A strong, handsome, soft, understanding, respectful and loving man....
And now I have him. I share him with life. 
I finally got my own Lupe. 
I finally got my Cody Cole.
Thank you for falling in love with everything that I am, thank you for being just you.
I love you so incredibly much. You're the man I've always wanted to share my eternity with.
Ah mwah! 

martes, 13 de octubre de 2015

Symbology vs. Symbolism

Let's get Illuminati, yo!!
This is where I explain a little about those "hidden" tiny pink hearts you may notice laying around in the embroidered presents I made, waiting to be asked for. Well... they are everywhere if you haven't noticed by now. Tiny pink hearts in every text entry, tiny pink hearts in every present I decided to give you since I decided to start writing here, tiny pink hearts now and tiny pink hearts forever

You are going to see this blog months after you receive the first clue*, but I want you to realize how big I wanted this to be, this surprise, that is. Want you to see how I'm constantly looking for things I can use as a signature, symbols that will represent me. Symbols of our love too. Like Pulpy, you and me, Squid and Octopus, Monkey and Kitty, Count and Princess, Loaf and Lobe, Cocoon and Sardine. Like the ouroboros you have permanently inked on your body and my bracelet.

If this was a bad book, then my tiny pink hearts would be an "-Ok? -Ok" and I'd be a cancer patient. But I kinda like the simplicity of a tiny pink heart, and the cliche that this is a secret blog. You could say that these are letters I never sent you. Now imagine all those letters signed with a heart, imagine a tiny pink heart tattoed on my side boob... Oh my God, kill-me-now time? Was that too much? I'm melting cliches here. I'm sorry I got carried away...
Anyhow, I wanted everything to be part of this. To be part of what I wanted to tell you. To be part of the archive I'm building for you. Part of what I'm doing to make you feel loved.
So fucking treasure it, Ok? Ok.

*The ♡ in the gift card that came with the Green Power Ranger Tee

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

You found out

Maybe he won't find out what I know:
You were the last good thing about this part of town

I don't remember if I told you how this was one of the songs that Kini and I shared. When I first met him I called him "FOB Guy" 'cause I didn't know anything more than he kinda liked FOB and I loved them back then. So when he started falling for me, "Grand Theft Autumn" became like an anthem to him. 
When we went to the concert and they played this song, he practically clung to me. He was semi hugging me, singing in my ear. I found it so annoying. Couldn't enjoy the song at all. But I did always wander if he did love me more than anyone I knew. What if maybe no one ever feels like I'm the last good thing?.. But then you came along.
I can almost say I can touch your love. It's just so strong and reassuring, it burns me and keeps me warm. I can honestly say, no one has ever -and no one ever will- loved me as deep as you love me. Thank you for noticing me, senpai.
I love you, Monkey face.

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2015

Utopia revised

I've been wanting to write this entry for a while now. I'm constatnly evaluating the progess in my goals, and I change them as I think adecuate. 
There are times in life when you just stop, evaluate and see how things are going for you according to your life plans. Sometimes you need to give up on an impossible dream -like going to the moon- or realize it's going to take more time to reach the prize; there are also times when you need to add things to that list of yours, when you embrace the variables of life and include them. There are times when something got crossed out of the list earlier than you would've thought it ever would; and this is your case particularly. I've always wanted a husband, a life-long partner, but I didn't know when I would meet him, when I would need to accomodate my life so I can fit his. Now, that moment has come. You are here and I need to create new goals including you, I need to open my life for you, and you for me.

Years back -December 13th 2011, to be exact- Exactly 3 years before we started dating, I wrote what I thought was my Utopia, my dreamed life and published it in my only blog at the moment. This is it, translated: 
« I dreamt I finally graduated and got a job offer in Mexico City. In a high regarded company and such... but there was a torn still pinching my side, making me want to do better. So, I decided I would take up classes at the Politecnico during the afternoon. Have some subjects validated and major in Aeronautic Engineering. Three years would pass, maybe more, I would be 24-25, I would have 3 degrees and a decent salary. I would have tattoos already too. 
In order to do what's next, I would need to learn portuguese and french at the UNAM and when I finally consider myself a poliglot, I'll look for a job in other companies that offer me the opportunity to go to Brazil or France. In my dream I got it, and went to Brazil to work and start a master. I'd finish it and in this utopia they let me work with dreads. By now I'd be 28. What's still missing is the love of my life. Thank to black magic I'd find a brazilian man. Intelligent, and an engineer too, with the soul of an artist, free, corny, with a gorgeous smile. We would date, and at 31 he'd propose. We'd travel to Chihuahua so my family could meet him, and had 2 weddings. Our honey moon would be 3 months travelling Europe. I'd finally get a picture pretending to be a waitress in Bielruse. The only thing left was to consider wheter we wanted to live in Brazil or somewhere else.
I REALLY hope I can at least have 2 degrees, a Master, be trilingual and visit Europe before my 35th birthday. »
Hahaha So you can see I've always been some sort of a dreamer with high expectations. 
I'm only 23 and I do have 2 degrees, working to get my Master, almost trilingual and I'm probably going to Europe next year. I still have 12 years to do that and I'm pretty sure I'll have it done in 3.

What's my new Utopia, tho?
It's clear that I'm still aiming high, but I have you with me now. Side by side with new crazy things we want to do. So let me tell you what I day dream about, at least now -three weeks before I finish my first internship- with all my fears and this deep love that burns inside me. I don't know when I'm going to be willing to let you see this, but as for right now, this is what floats in my mind almost daily: 
Of course, a little after my 24th birthday I'll be living in Germany with you. Doing my Master in Satellites and if money is not a huge problem, maybe travelling a bit or even getting tattooed. I really want that matrioshka made in Russia. And the flowers on my arm being done by some amazing artist. I want to have orange hair, long orange hair I can pick  up in two buns too
I'm not sure what's going to happen when those 2 years end. Maybe a PhD? Do you think I can make it before I'm 30? How awesome would that be?! I want it! hahaha What about you teaching? Being this insanely hot teach. Oh gosh, I'm going to melt so hard when I see you grading papers.
I'm sure that by then I'd have built a life of incredibly amazing moments with you: Drinking at festivals, getting ready in our tiny apartment, feel so foreign and outta place in restaurants, be such tourists at museums, drink wine with your sister...
Honestly it seems I'm unable to plan beyond my Master. Everything is still in the dark, too far for me to see. But I do know one thing: we are getting married for-fucking-sure. I don't where is going to be, when is going to be or how the fuck I'm gonna manage to get my Vera Wang, but I'm marrying you in black with the coolest wedding cake and I'm going to look super hot. I plan for you to keep the look you have now, but it's up to you. I really love it, tho.
I daydream a lot about our house. I don't know where we are going to live but I want polished-cement floors. With maybe a rug where the livingroom is and a HUGE book shelf. With hanging and floating books. I want the house to be decorated with a mix of our styles. I want it to be just weird enough. And I want our room to be filled with memories. That doesn't mean photograps on the walls, I actually think it's going to be pretty minimalist and clean. Let's no forget about Sancho and Lupe!! Those gorgeous lazy things meowing all the time being so snuggly. I want a hairless cat at some point too :-[ hahaha

I don't know, I change my mind a lot. Kids... no kids. I kinda want a tiny monkey throwing poop around. What I'm trying to say is: now that I have you by my side forever, I don't care about what might happen, I don't plan so far ahead 'cause I know you can alter my plans with an eyelash, I honestly don't care as long as is you the thing that remains constant.
I love you monkey.
You are my utopia.

martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015

Dreamland 2

You were in my dreams once more.
Actually, I'm pretty sure this should be Dreamland 3, but the first dream is written in another diary, maybe later I'll get to writing it here.

There's no need to say it was a weird dream and I don't remember most of it, but the part with you is almost crystal clear.
We were playing Castle in a bigger more medieval towers than the ones you used to play back in the day. There more kids around us, probably your friends. I clearly remember being in opposite teams and hiding in a tower. Something happened then, something real. Something was placing us in real danger in those towers, it stopped being a game, it became a survival excercise. I don't know what this evil was, what shape it took, anything, 
You grabbed a rope from the position you where in and swung your way to my tower. Ypu made sure I was ok, you calmed me down and proposed a plan: You were going to swing your way to the ground as call your parents. I agreed, until seconds before you jump from the heights. It was like being in a Final Destination movie. I saw you soaring the air with the green hills under you and I looked inside your head, and felt a slight suicidal thought. What would happen if I stop holding onto this rope? In my head I knew that our movie will end sadly, 'cause I'm like that, I'm such a pessimist and I keep feeling life hates me, so somehow I knew that by one reason or another you were going to lose your life trying to save us. Tragic ending for a great love. Those are the movies that win the Oscar. I imagined your death but I woke up before it actualyl happened.
It it always disturbing to think about and almost traumatizingly sad.

Weird dream, I know.
Thank you for trying to save me, tho.
I miss you
I love you.

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

Chihuahua 2.0

I can't believe this last weekend just happened. Best weekend of my entire life!
I miss you like crazy now, tho.
You are what I always imagined. What I wanted in a partner and much more.
You were willing to try everything, to go anywhere. You were eager to see, eager to do.
I can't thank you enough for coming to my home town to visit me and be as patient as you are, for not going crazy when I was being moody for a very stupid thing like songs in a jukebox, for holding me tighter than I've ever been held before, for being the source of light and good mood that I desperately needed, for never stop smiling, for being excited to meet my family, for loving the food, for trying to buy me all you could, for the fucking sentiment all of this thing imply, for loving me so deeply like you do. Thank you

I loved Friday, not only 'cause I slept a couple hours more, but because the time flew by while I was waiting for the clock to hit 1PM. Because you made me feel nervous, feel those butterflies again. Because you made showering together possible again, and because -despite how tired you were- you agreed to go to all these bars with me and have a beer by my side. I loved Friday 'cause we lay in bed and you hugged me as if you had loved me for 20 years. I wouldn't... couldn't change that embrace for anything else. I'm physically and mentally incapable of letting that feeling go. I loved Friday 'cause we slept together after weeks of being apart, 'cause I felt your warmth again, your legs wrapped around mine and your hands protecting me.

I loved Saturday because we were in such a hurry and with no gas, because we woke up super late and because those paninis were tiny. I loved Saturday because you told me I looked so good in your shirt and when I put my dress on, you looked at me like a castaway looks at a rescuing squad. Never have I ever felt so confident and beautiful like I do around you. I loved Saturday 'cause you talked to my friends and weren't as shy at the party, 'cause you put up with me and tried to make me feel better. I loved it 'cause I got to sleep with you again.

I loved Sunday 'cause we hung out in my room, 'cause you pooped in my bathroom, 'cause we fucked in my bed. I loved Sunday 'cause my family met you and because we had the bestest time at ComicX. I enjoyed myself so much. I can laugh full heartedly without being afraid of judgement, I can talk of whatever I want because my baby listens. I feel complete, whole, invencible when I'm walking by your side.
I love you, I love you came here and I loved our weekend together.

The Gift

I feel my birthday gift needs its own entry for itself.

I can't believe what you got me. Not only this is one of the most amazing books ever; but, the book I vowed to read every single year for as long as I live.
It means so much to me the fact that you wanted me to have something incredibly pretty to hold for years. And it isn't just that. Is all the work you put into getting it, all those hours worked. You had to had the money for this AND for your visit down here. I can't think about all your effort without summoning some tears. No one has ever gone so far for me, and maybe you'll say that this is just the beginning or that it was nothing, but we both know just how much this costed you and how much I appreciate it.

It is my most valuable and precious possession. Forget about my clothes! This book is the item I'd go back to look for in a fire. I can't wait to have it in a box, secure and gorgeous. I can't wait to have it in my hands and read the story in English for the first time. I can't wait to read it a thousand times and watch it get old and show signs of use. I can't wait for you to read your copy and share this adventure with me. I can't wait for it to become one of my iconic items, that specific thing our kids will immediately link with me.
I don't look forward to your death, but if you die first, is on these pages where I shall pour my tears.

I don't know if you have already read it by now, but I don't forget what I wrote: You are more precious to me than all the Silmarillions together.
I love my present and I will cherish all the times I look at it, everytime I turn a page and all those hours of joy is going to give me. But, I will cherish you even more.
I love you, Cody Cole. 
I love who you are -when you are alone, on your worst days, when you are with me-
I love how you think, what you know, what you like, what you say, how you say it.
I love everything about you.
You are my favorite book to read.

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2015

Dreamland 1

I had a dream about you. It was a weird one. I honestly don't remember it very well, but I'll do my best to tell you what I think it was about.

The first collection of memories I have is being in a hotel room, It was all wooden and the beds were tiny, There were two beds in the room, and you and I were occupying one; the other one had been taken by some Drag Queens out of drag, this -of course- triggered by my RuPaul's binge watching yesterday. Anyhow...I remember I was leaning on the headboard and there was a gap between the mattress and the wall and the things on my pocket were slipping and falling right in that gap, and as I was trying to get them back I was falling in too. When I was halfway through the fall I realized this room had been built over an old bowling alley, and that I was falling where the pins fall. I didn't want to be hit by the machine that arrange them so I was screaming for help so Neil Patrick Harris could hear me. He gave me this awful look and was very reluctant to help me, but he finally pull me and I was so pissed that the bed was so dangerous. The other drag man was going on how we should sue them and how this wasn't right.
After that happened, I noticed you. You were wearing a choker, like a BDSM guy who's into being treated like a dog. Apparently I was wearing a leather chest harness over my clothes. This is where the judging began. I inferred from all the yelling on my face a few moments later, that on that hotel we were staying when you ordered pillows it was only because you were planning on performing very kinky sexual acts and this other couple (Neil Patrick Harris and a loud blonde drag) were judging on how we were not a real BDSM couple. They claimed that not just because we wore a choker and a harness we had the privilege to call ourselves Dom and Sub. They said we did nothing really kinky, that spanking didn't count. We were some cheap posers and didn't deserve to have a pillow. So I was getting real insecure and angry and we went outside.
The first thing there was outside of hotel room was some steep stairs on the left side of the corridor. Up there was the registration office and the front desk. There was also a tiny terrace where you could see the "Resort" and the city. I was standing there really upset and I bumped into Clay and he starts yelling at me too. Something about having to be more dominant and some other crap that I felt was attacking. You were on the first floor and heard all. I was defending myself, mainly screaming "THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID" and "I NEVER MADE THAT CLAIM" and you were furious. Oh baby, you were. You dropped your submissive role and started defending me telling Clay to shut the fuck up and stop bothering me with his stupid words he knew nothing about.

I don't know why the fuck I dreamt that, but I'm glad you were there to protect me.
I love dreaming about you. I love day dreaming about you too. Fantasize about our future. Makes me feel safe and happy. I can't wait for this next 11 days to pass super fast so I can see you on my birthday! Muamuamuamua!
I love you Submissive Monkey Count. You'll be my kinky partner for the rest of my sexual active life hahaha I wish for nothing more

lunes, 17 de agosto de 2015

Golden Nights

A: Oh, the other day I was talking to a weird guy, very smart, but very weird minded. He said something about how he cannot read series because it bores him. And he mentioned something related to the three Transformers movies and how you can watch them separately and they still make sense. The same happens with Harry Potter, according to him. I never thought of that
C: That's an interesting point of view, but yeah, you're right. They are definitely a story and a series but you can totally watch them without having to follow the story behind it. 
A: I honestly like to follow the story. I really like series because of it. Even book series.
C: Oh, me too! I've read the Dark Tower series and it's like over 10 books this huge. Have you read them? By Stephen King...
A: No, never. I don't like terror and he is a terror author, no?
C: Yeah... kinda, but it's not really that scary. You should give it a try
A: Maybe. The only horror thing I've kinda read is...
I've been thinking a lot about the first night. The night we met and we talked for hours. I was tipsy so I don't quite remember everything that happened. What I just wrote it's what I imagine happened. I imagine that conversation going on and on and on forever. Just us adding more and more details and new information to whatever we were saying. We still do it, but that first two nights -Oh, my God- we went at it as if we never spoke to anyone. Which honestly is kind of true. I don't believe we discuss all these topics with our friends or co-workers. At least not in an opinionated, two-way, not-necessarily-agreeing-to-everything-the-other-one-says type of conversation. Maybe David is your exception, but how often you get to connect with a person to that level on the first 10 hours, specially a person of the opposite sex you find attractive, huh?
I remember being nervous about the kiss that we needed to have that night. I knew it was going to happen, but how, when? You made no moves when we hit a silence. I was thinking that maybe you weren't sure you wanted me. But in the back of my mind I knew you wanted me too. So it was very conflicting. Eventually I think I was the one to lean a bit closer and that triggered it. I'm so glad you are the way you are and I love how you didn't assume sex was set in stone. I love how respectful you are, and those second guessing you sometimes have, for me they just mean you are thinking extra time and extra hard on us. 
I love our first night, our second night and all the nights we have had. All of them. I love our 8 months together and how we never stop loving each other, never stop giving each other gifts because we never stop caring and never stop wanting to make the other one happy. I'm so incredibly glad I can make you happy just with my presence and my face. I'll always be there. I'm also extra grateful I'm with someone so fucking handsome. Can't believe it sometimes. I see you and you have the most perfect face in the whole world. Those eyes, fuck, those eyes. They pierce me, they undress me, they make me sway a little. They are so intense, so gorgeous. That smile, tho. Your smile is melting the poles, baby. You can get me to do anything you want just by smiling. Can't believe it. Such a handsome monkey in my kingdom.
I love you, Count. I love us.
We're golden, babe. Oh yes we are.

miércoles, 12 de agosto de 2015


I'm visiting you tomorrow. I already have my backpack ready... it's the same from last weekend... when I sadly couldn't make it because of my sick tummy. But I remember making it. I always pick the cutest things I can. I like to dress cute and sexy for you, only because you appreciate it. That's rare, even if you don't think so. It makes me get excited about getting dressed. What is going to be his comment about this? I think in my head. Is he going to mention my make-up and how he likes the wing? Is he using 'cute' or will he use 'gorgeous'? This is the kind of thing that goes through my mind when I'm getting ready. Maybe it's weird, like I'm doing it to catch your attention, but I don't seek validation. I know I'm cute, I just like to hear you saying it out loud :D

We will be laying our sight upon each other in around 28 hrs. I really like how you enjoy my counting. Hopefully you won't ever get tired of it, because even tho I can suppress the need of letting people know all my calculations, I really like to share it. It's something very well attached to the person I am.

...On another note: I can't wait to see you. To feel how warm you are when we are laying on bed. To touch you without thinking, to see that FUCKING GORGEOUS sleepy face. That face makes me tremble, it's like I want to grab it and shake it. It's just so kyuut.
I don't like you spending money on me... that includes taking me out to dinner. But I do enjoy the reaction we get out of people, I know they are thinking something about us. Fuck yeah, they got an impression. Look at those weirdos. I bet the enjoy doing weird shit in bed. they think they are oh so cool because they match, ha! hahaha But you're thinking about us, bitch!

Anyhow... I'm writing this at work. I finished early but I didn't want to leave early.
I like that I can do this, give you part of my time even when I'm supposed to be "busy"
I love you, Monkey.

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015


Yesterday was your 26th birthday and I was so sick.
I'm so sorry I missed it. I really wanted to be there, Having dinner with your family and hugging you.
I won't even mention birthday sex...  But yeah... Birthday sex too.
I'm also sorry because you never got the stupid present I got you.
But, I'm not so worried, I'm going to make it all up next weekend, You'll see.


martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

A Thankful Peanut

Remember that one time I read to you a Thank You note I wrote for you? I wrote before I left, back in December 2014, probably just right when we started dating, a month after meeting you. Crazy, huh?
«Thank you
Thank you, Cody.
Thank you for talking to me at the train yard, for being interesting and buying me chocolate pancakes at IHOP. Thank you for listening to all the shit I said, for laughing with me and sharing your life. Thank you for being so good with your fingers, and telling me all those pretty things about my body.Thank you for the amazing fucks and for walking me home every morning. Thank you for missing me and for letting me sleep with you and for the 6+ hours of cuddling.  Thank you for all the hours spent talking, for the minutes that passed while we looked into each other’s eyes. Thank you for watching Bruce Willis movies with me, and for not being weird about my gas situation hahah. Thank you for the necklace and for your patience, for hugging me and for smiling at me like I was everything to you. Thank you for letting me in, for saying that I’m a little cat and for making weird noises with me. Thank you for being so awesome, incredibly interesting, and intelligent. Thank you for saying “I love you” and for believing me when I said it back. I do love you. Thank you for your shirt, for the beers and the pizza. Thank you for telling your mom about me, for introducing me to your friends. Thank you for everything. I can’t thank you enough for just being you and exist. I’ve never loved someone so easily as you. I will never, ever, in my whole damn life forget you. Is impossible for me to forget all these strong emotions you made me feel. I felt so safe, I felt so beautiful and at peace when I was with you. I still do when we talk. I only wish someday I’d be able to get over you. I’m sure that for the next few months I’m gonna be a mess, and I’m sure I’ll be hurting so bad. My heart’s already broken, it broke the day I fell in love with you. It broke ‘cause it knew that we wouldn’t be together as we should. It was broken, but still every time I saw you I felt it swell.»
That's what it said says. I still have it on my notes. That was the first thing I ever wrote for you. I still mean everything, but I'm not longer wishing to get over you. We made it, babe! 8 months into this long distance adventure and we are fucking strong.

Now it's two quarters after 9. I'm watching you sleep.
You went to the doctor today, you were told you shouldn't work the rest of the week.
I just finished The Death of Jack Hamilton and I want to thank you again. I never thought I'd read Stephen King and I plain love it. I have to thank you for much more than just introducing me to him, but how about we leave that for some other entry?
I love you

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

Ain't fun

I don't think it's funny anymore, you know? How I think about you, literally, all day.
When I wake up I wonder where you are, if you are done with work, if you are going to speed or not, if you are listening to something on your way home, if you said good bye to anyone else but Nikita; when I wake up and you are there on my screen I try to guess when you fell asleep and if you are having a delicious rest, I catch myself thinking I would like to see you twitch.
When I'm at work all I can imagine is you walking next to me, making me feel taller. I daydream about what you would say, what joke you'd make, what suggestion you'd have. Even at lunch. At lunch I crave your company. I wish you were there so we can look down on people that really don't deserve it.
When I'm driving I want you to be there so I can show you everything, so you can see what I see and I wonder if you feel the same way. I don't have to wonder for long, tho. Because I know you do, I know you want me there just as bad.
When I go out with my friends, I curse the life that made me be so far away from you. I fantasize constantly with you living here and hanging out with me and my friends all the time.

It's not funny, you see?
To feel this constant void, this "I miss you" that never seems to go away
To feel this constant sensation of fullness. All this love running through me day and night, it's so tiring, so tiring to hide it. So tiring to hold in. And when I finally get a chance to tell you, to show you, it's so hard to express its entirety.
I can make the cutest sounds and the tiniest voice. I can hug you and kiss you. Doesn't matter. I still shake. Shake with all the love about to burst the fuck outta me.
It's not funny to be frustated at night because I don't want to sleep alone.

It's funny when I see a person falls ridiculously, or to see Zuri running around like she's a mad rabid cat; it's funny when the stituations are out of this world and when I hear a fart.
"Funny" is that ephimeral, short period of time when I produce a laugh.
But is not "Funny" waiting for that moment in your life when you finally will be able to live with person you want, nor that immeasurable happiness when you look at a picture of that perfect creature that life created just for you.

It's not funny,
It's not funny anymore.
It's love.

lunes, 27 de julio de 2015


Let's baptize this blog by telling you why I decided to create it.
I love notepads, ok? I just do. I love how they look. How they look when they're new, how they look when they are full. They can be very... tumblr.
Sadly, I have no talent to draw nor a pretty hand writing. And honestly I never go around by myself with the time and inspiration to write on the notepad I always carry in my purse.
So I have like 4 notepads that I scarcely use. I worry too much about if I should use a specific ink throughout the whole thing or if it would look better if I stop caring. There's not much I can do to control my virgoness.
"I finally opted to do this". Says the Peanut Princess while walking towards you through the immensity of her vast cyber space, and spins around with her arms stretched out like she's trying to touch the roof.
This blog is an just an infinite notepad, a pad that changes designs and can be easily edited... just what I needed.
Also... It's July 27th and I'm planning on let you know about this at least 'til our 1st anniversary.
Or... I can always keep it secret and it'll make an awesome wedding present, no?

Anyway, I just love you and I want to vent 'cause sometimes I feel overwhelmed by gorgeous feelings and if I don't let them flow I might explode in the tastiest peanut explosion ever.